Heather LeGate Named Principal at VHS

July 17, 2023 – Heather LeGate has been named the new principal at Viera High School. LeGate has been with Brevard Public Schoos for nearly ten years, most recently as the Assistant Principal at Viera High School under the previous principal, Sarah Robinson.
LeGate is a graduate of Jacksonville State University, with a Master of Education (M.Ed.) from the University of West Florida.
Viera High School is rated by the Florida Department of Education as an “A school”, outperforming many of its peers. The graduation rate in 2022 was 98% with 76% of students graduating with college and career acceleration.
Viera wants to congratulate Heather LeGate on her well-deserved promotion and knows that her continued efforts will help keep Viera High School strong in the future.
Source: Viera High School facebook