VHS Percussionists Shine on International Level

December 12, 2024 – Anyone who follows the music program at Viera High School knows that the percussion section has been building a world-class team for several years now. Much of that success can be traced to the efforts of VHS Director of Percussion, Dan Johnson, and the consistent high quality of the entire music program under the direction of Nick Eggen and Maria Dix Lawver.

Director of Percussion Daniel Johnson, left, Reilly Halsey, Parker Kortman, Zach Hislop, Isaac Moss, Nick DiValerio and Jack Marden.
VIERA VOICE Courtesy of Maria Dix

Recently six VHS percussionists traveled to Indianapolis to be part of the Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC), where some of the most talented people in the field gather to perform and see their contemporaries in action.

In this rather elite assembly, the Viera group not only rose to the occasion during their performance, the judges awarded them with a remarkable score of 97.46, placing them in second place in the PASIC Concert Chamber Percussion Ensemble Competition, an impressive feat considering the group was competing against 20 of the best high-school age groups in the country. Viera was also the only Florida group to perform.

Viera congratulates senior Jack Marden; sophomore Nick DiValerio; senior Reilly Halsey; senior Zach Hislop; senior Parker Kortman and junior Isaac Moss and the entire VHS music program for having the talent, drive and grace under pressure to thrive on the international stage.

Source: Viera Voice